Wolfsburg-based rental business receives track-mount platform

WOB-SKY GmbH was founded in 2015 by Oliver Barth and rents out work platforms of all types in the Wolfsburg region. The EASYLift RA31 track-mount platform rounds off the rental park in the category of ​​spider lifts.

The RA31 has an articulated telescope, which enables an enormous overreach height over obstacles.
The device is characterized by the large working area with a maximum lateral reach of 14.50m at 120kg and the possibility of working up to 7m in the negative area. With a total weight of 4,200kg, this device offers a working height of 30.20m and a maximum basket load of 230kg. The minimum passage width is only 0.89m, the passage height is 2.00m. The work platform comes with a hybrid drive (consisting of 230V mains & Kubota diesel engine) and a radio remote control as standard.

The RA31 for WOB-SKY is equipped with the options “automatic levelling” and a wooden frame on the basket.

We wish you successful operations with the Easylift RA31 at all times!

Rothlehner Arbeitsbühnen - Easylift RA31 for rental company WOB-SKY GmbH
Rothlehner Arbeitsbühnen - Easylift RA31 for rental company WOB-SKY GmbH
Rothlehner Arbeitsbühnen - Easylift RA31 for rental company WOB-SKY GmbH